Upcoming Events
- Sat, 06 MayChateau Mareuil
- Fri, 09 DecBrigueil-le-Chantre
- Sun, 04 DecBrigueil-le-Chantre
- Sat, 19 NovBrigueil-le-Chantre
- Sat, 30 AprChateau Mareuil
- Sun, 27 MarForge
- Fri, 10 DecBrigueil-le-Chantre
- Sun, 05 DecBrigueil-le-Chantre
- Sat, 18 SeptChâteau Mareuil
Past Events
Classic car event and BBQ
Château Mareuil
As a pre-cursor to the annual Race des Ramparts held over a long September weekend in Angouleme, Château Mareuil organised and hosted a classic car meeting and BBQ for a local car club and a classic car club from the UK. Lots of car owners attended all enjoyed a homemade salad bar hor's d -oeuvres from the Château Kitchen and of course local BBQed meat selection. Château kitchen also provided a handsome picnic for all those attending the race weekend.

Château Mareuil
The fashion show at Château Mareuil was held in September 2019 attended by 56 people all seated 8 models, plus makeup and assistance for a fast dress change. The event was Filmed for UK TV show Escape to the Chateau DIY broadcast on Channel 4.
Wine tasting in
Château Mareuil cellar
Château Mareuil
An organised wine tasting and cooking invention test were arranged by Château Kitchen & Château Mareuil for a group of keen young gourmets. The challenge was for two teams of four to create a two-course menu to excite and tantalise from a common group of wholly vegetarian ingredients. The results were Judged by Château Kitchen’s cook (the chatelaine), Belinda Prince. Thereafter followed a wine tasting of local wines from the Loire Valley, held in the candlelit cellar beneath Château Mareuil’s Salon.

Summer Picnic at the Château
Château Mareuil
Summer Picnic at the Château.

Christmas at Château Mareuil
Château Mareuil
Christmas party held at Château Mareuil.